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Brotli Dockerized Angular App with Nginx - NgDocker

Jul 16, 2023 | 5 min read | 1696 Views | Comments

Patience is the key to success; not heard or followed by any of the web app visitors. We want everything to be loaded within blink of an eye. This is the place where Brotli shines. In this article, we will explore how we can enable Brotli in the NgDocker app to improve performance at a marvelous scale.

Calling API from NodeJS API using Axios

Sep 18, 2020 | 4 min read | 8488 Views | Comments

I found Axios a great library to make calls to a third party API, it's easy to understand, demands lesser coding, Promise me to return the data, works perfectly with a async/await style, get along with TypeScript.

JavaScript XHR using JSONPlaceholder API

Aug 06, 2020 | 8 min read | 6076 Views | Comments

Sometimes it is very important to know how things are happening on the ground level. This article will talk about how to use XHR - XMLHttpRequest in vanilla JavaScript with the help of most loved REST API; JSONPlaceholder.