17 Feb 2024

A.I. A. R. Kalsekar Polytechnic - Cloud Computing MS Azure 900 Workshop

Expert Lecture Workshop

Glad to deliver session on "Cloud Computing - Microsoft Azure 900" at AI - A.R Kalsekar Polytechnic, Panvel, Mumbai (aiarkp.ac.in) with such mature and skilled audience.

Topics covered include AZ900 - Monitoring, Compliance, Governance, Cost Management.

Engaging with the technical faculty that came from Maharashtra under the MSBTE program; was a new and exciting experience for me.

Worth to mention honorable Dr. Zainab Mirza mam for considering and believing in me to be a part of such an engaging session.

Again, Thanks for organizing this event, AI ARKP, looking forward to keeping this momentum and connection on going. Special thanks to Alfiya mam for the active support and corporation.

03 Feb 2024

M.H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering - Decoding the Software Industry

Tech Talk Expert Lecture

Glad to deliver session on "Decoding the Software Industry" at @mhssce - M. H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering with such an energetic and enthu audience.

It's always refreshing to connect with your roots and professors who have taught you not only the tech concepts but also how to tackle real life challenges and situations.

Amazed to see the progress made by the ACM team and attained an inspiring speech given by the honorable chairman of MHSSCOE, Dr. Aslam Khan.

Worth to mention honorable Dr. Zainab Mirza mam for considering and believing in me to be a part of such an engaging session.

Again, Thanks for organizing this event @acm_mhssce, looking forward to keeping this momentum and connection on going.

25 Sep 2023

M.H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering - Smart India Hackathon 2023

Judge and Jury

Glad to announce that I have been a jury member at the Smart India Hackathon 2023 event organized by M.H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering. Thank you, Dr. Zainab Mirza mam, for providing me such an amazing opportunity.

It was both enjoyable and engaging to connect with such youthful participants. The ideas presented hold significant potential and future prospects. I hope they continue to pursue their ultimate goals.

16 Sep 2023

M.H Saboo Siddik Polytechnic - React - Getting Started

Tech Talk Expert Lecture

Glad to share that I have taken an expert lecture on "React - Getting Started" at M.H Saboo Siddik Polytechnic.

Connecting with students felt like connecting with younger version of your own self. I was amazed with the knowledge and zeal such young audience has for the emerging tech and trends. Though in their early stages of their journey the students of Computer Department (3rd year) has shown a great sense of learning enthusiasm.

Special Thanks to M. H. Saboo Siddik Polytechnic (@events_mhssp), principal Dr. A.K Kureshi and H.O.D Prof. Zaibunnisa Malik of the computer department, and the event coordinator Prof. Khan Mohammed Zaid (@mzaidsa) for allowing me to share my knowledge.

Key Points Covered:

  • Introduction
  • Jump Start
  • Communication
  • Repository & Deployment

GitHub Repository:

App Link:

09 May 2023

Geekle.us Global Summit for Typescript - Vite for Typescript

Webinar Tech Talk Summit

Got a chance to talk about "Vite for Typescript" at Geekle.us global summit for TypeScript 2023.

Watch on YouTube:

GitHub Repository:

18 May 2022

Geekle.us Global Summit for Node.js - Introducing Node.js with TypeScript

Webinar Tech Talk Summit

Got a chance to talk about "NodeTS - Node.js with Typescript" at Geekle.us global summit for Node.js 2022.

Watch on YouTube:

GitHub Repository:

13 Nov 2021

M.H Saboo Siddik Polytechnic - Node.js

Webinar Tech Talk Expert Lecture

It was amazing to connect with future programmers/techies/students of M. H. Saboo Siddik Polytechnic and share my knowledge of most lovable JavaScript runtime the "Node.js".

Special Thanks to M. H. Saboo Siddik Polytechnic (@events_mhssp), principal Dr. A.K Kureshi and H.O.D Prof. Zaibunnisa Malik of the computer department, and the event coordinator Prof. Khan Mohammed Zaid (@mzaidsa) for allowing me to share my knowledge with a very engaging audience.

Key Points Covered:

  • Introduction to Node.js
  • Why Node.js
  • Architecture of Node.js
  • How it works
  • Practical application of Node.js
  • Basics JavaScript
  • Node.js Globals
  • Custom modules
  • Core Modules
  • NPM Modules
  • First Node.js Application

GitHub Repositories:

05 Jun 2021

M.H Saboo Siddik Polytechnic - Node.js & Express

Webinar Tech Talk Expert Lecture

I am very happy to announce that I have successfully conducted the very first webinar for the students of M. H. Saboo Siddik Polytechnic on the topic "Getting Started with Node.js and Express".

Special Thanks to M. H. Saboo Siddik Polytechnic (@events_mhssp), principal Dr. A.K Kureshi and H.O.D Prof. Zaibunnisa Malik of the computer department, and the event coordinator Prof. Khan Mohammed Zaid(@mzaidsa) for allowing me to share my knowledge with a very engaging audience.

Key Points Covered:

  • Introduction to Node.js
  • Advance JavaScript Concepts
  • Event Loops
  • Node.js Core Modules
  • NPM Modules
  • First Node.js Application
  • Introduction to Express
  • First Express Application

GitHub Repositories:

08 Nov 2020

CodeOmelet Launch - Hello World

CodeOmelet Release

Here I am launching my first ever personal coding blog named CodeOmelet. Really excited to share my understanding and knowledge of web, mobile, cloud, console, desktop applications with others. Hope I contribute quality content with the world of coding and help fellow coders.

01 May 2017

Anjuman-I-Islam's A. R. Kalsekar Polytechnic - .NET Web Development Workshop

Expert Lecture Workshop

Ten days of workshop conducted for Anjuman-I-Islam’s A. R. Kalsekar Polytechnic (AIARKP) Polytechnic students on the topic of Web Development using ASP.NET and C#. 

Key Points Covered:

  • C# Concepts (OOPs, Collections, Exceptions Handling)
  • Web Design (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • ASP.NET (Controls, Master Pages, ADO.NET, States)