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Angular Journey: Part 1 - Getting Started

Aug 24, 2024 | 6 min read | 194 Views | Comments

Angular is close to heart and its injustice to not create an Angular journey series where we take a learning path to explore the Angular from a beginner's eye. In this article we will start a learning series to understand and explore the modern Angular framework.

React Journey: Part 5 - Context API

Oct 08, 2023 | 8 min read | 687 Views | Comments

Every journey ends somewhere. Our React journey will come to an end with 360-degree shift in our previous approaches of communicating between components. Don't get afraid, this change is helpful and a must for our growing apps. In this article, we will touch base and talk about the concept of Context API in React and how it can allow to manage props and states like a pro.

React Journey: Part 4 - Working with Web API

Sep 21, 2023 | 6 min read | 604 Views | Comments

There is no app existence without communicating server or at least a fake server. In our React learning journey we will now make our Notesy app to communicate to API even though its fake. In this article, we will make use of json-server to create API endpoint for our Notesy app and make our create, read, delete operation little dynamic.

React Journey: Part 3 - React Routes

Sep 19, 2023 | 5 min read | 622 Views | Comments

You have to stick to the route to reach your destination. In this article we will explore about the react-router-dom package to create routing in React.

React Journey: Part 2 - States, Props, Events and Hooks

Aug 24, 2023 | 10 min read | 637 Views | Comments

Life brought us to the moment where we have to think about how to make our Notesy app functional. In this article we will make our Notesy app interactive such that it can show list of notes, add new notes and delete existing notes. On the way of doing so we will explore states, props, events and hooks.

React Journey: Part 1 - Getting Started

Aug 20, 2023 | 8 min read | 987 Views | Comments

It's time to go on a feel trip with React. Let us pack our bags and start our journey towards learning React from scratch with techs those we have today. In this article we will start our React learning journey by setting up the project with Vite and most desirable UI framework Bootstrap.

JEST Started with Unit Testing

Feb 05, 2023 | 6 min read | 1097 Views | Comments

Either you are in a deep love with unit testing or hating it to the core, but the bottom line is to do it anyway. So just like many things in our life, let us deal with it; in this article we will start exploring the realm of unit testing along with JEST.

The Art of Destructuring in JavaScript

May 10, 2022 | 7 min read | 1354 Views | Comments

Poses the power of destructuring and conquers the world of JavaScript. Like literally, since it's been available to devs, it is the coolest thing ever after the dark theme. To be relevant in the JavaScript gang, one has to understand the art of destructuring in JavaScript; in this article, we will adapt to the destructuring swag.

Spread love with JavaScript

Apr 22, 2022 | 5 min read | 1169 Views | Comments

Love knows no distance, boundaries, or conditions it can be spread beyond our imagination. The JavaScript spread operator is there to spread this love among developers. Along with catchy syntax, it has lots of benefits that our brain needs to comprehend. In this article, we will try to explore as many features as possible of the spread operator.

Rest Your Love On JavaScript

Apr 14, 2022 | 3 min read | 1127 Views | Comments

We choose love for the rest of our lives while JavaScript chooses rest of the function parameters. Using the rest parameter one can express their loads of love and parameters to any function. In this article, we are falling again in love and JavaScript by understanding one more awesome feature; the rest parameter.

Data Access Layer for NodeJS and MSSQL - Part 2

Feb 06, 2022 | 6 min read | 2426 Views | Comments

If you like action sequences, this read will definitely give you chills. In this article, without wasting your precious time we will jump straight to the business and understand how to use our bare minimum data access layer which we have built previously.

Data Access Layer for NodeJS and MSSQL - Part 1

Dec 06, 2021 | 10 min read | 5100 Views | Comments

Building a bare minimum data access layer for NodeJS and MSSQL for applications that scream for simplicity. Just like any other layered cake, applications also come in layers Data Access Layer (DAL), Business Access Layer (BAL), Presentation/UI Layer (PL), API Layers, etc. In this article, we are picking up the brush and painting our own data access layer for NodeJS and MS SQL Server.

One day I will find some Closure

Oct 16, 2021 | 12 min read | 1755 Views | Comments

Closure is the most John Cena concept of JavaScript which is been there in front of your eyes, but of course, you can't see it. So let us put some light on Closures (like literally) in this article and understand what it has to offer.

JavaScript Elders - Call, Apply, Bind

Sep 20, 2021 | 7 min read | 1555 Views | Comments

Before the beginning of time, there were these JavaScript elder functions call, apply and bind. These functions, it seems, can only be wielded by coding beings of extraordinary wisdom. These wielders can build the coding architectures, patterns, principles, monuments using these elders. Pretty dramatic, isn't it? It sounds exactly the same when someone tries to explain the call, apply and bind functions. In this article, we will try to understand and simplify a not but little confusing topic the call, apply and bind functions.

The file melting Multer with NodeJS and Express

Aug 18, 2021 | 8 min read | 2279 Views | Comments

Multer is a mature multipart/form-data supreme middleware for Node.js. Its been there for a long time, already explored and discussed by many elite developers. In this article, we will revisit the core capabilities of the Multer and will explore scenarios like single/multiple file upload using forms or AJAX.

This is awkward in JavaScript

Jul 20, 2021 | 9 min read | 1510 Views | Comments

Whale! This is awkward in JavaScript, also many things in life are. But nothing to worry about, we will try to overcome “this” awkwardness in this article.

NgMarvel app using Angular and Marvel API

Jul 12, 2021 | 12 min read | 2883 Views | Comments

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade; and when Marvel provides you an API, make an Angular app. In this article, we will do the Hulk Smash! and create an awesome Marvel comic explorer app using Angular and Marvel Comics API.

Async-Await-ing for your Loving Promises

Jun 16, 2021 | 5 min read | 2032 Views | Comments

It is very difficult to wait on someone's loving promises, but not in JavaScript; thanks to the async/await creamy syntactic sugar made available in JavaScript for Promises. In this article, we will see the evolution of writing promises, from then() and catch() methods to super awesome async/await syntax.

Making Promises in Love and JavaScript

May 08, 2021 | 12 min read | 1974 Views | Comments

One way to get rid of your crush or JavaScript’s callback hell is to make promises. Now there are dozens of quotes revolving about broken promises in love; but thankfully JavaScript handles promises elegantly. Let us dig more into this topic and understand how difficult or easy it is to make promises in love or JavaScript.

Why your crush and JavaScript does not callback anymore

Mar 14, 2021 | 12 min read | 1996 Views | Comments

Nobody wants their relationship or JavaScript to look like hell, not a relationship advisor though but can talk about JavaScript for an hour or so. Legend says, crush never callback; there is no more to it and I am not a legend so let us focus on something which can be answered, JavaScript callbacks their heaven and hell.

Teaming up with NodeJS and SQL Server

Dec 24, 2020 | 10 min read | 6771 Views | Comments

It's always satisfying to watch our backend connecting to the database server in one go. Within this short life span we come across different weirdo errors and issues while making the simplest form of connection to a database server; teaming up NodeJS with MS SQL Server is no different. In this article will make a smooth connection between NodeJS and MSSQL, and perform the decade old tradition (CRUD).

JavaScript XHR using JSONPlaceholder API

Aug 06, 2020 | 8 min read | 6596 Views | Comments

Sometimes it is very important to know how things are happening on the ground level. This article will talk about how to use XHR - XMLHttpRequest in vanilla JavaScript with the help of most loved REST API; JSONPlaceholder.

JavaScript array methods for living

Jul 22, 2020 | 12 min read | 4246 Views | Comments

They will help to find() your inner soul, filter() out your feelings, make a road map() of your life and surely reduce() your pains.