
One day I will find some Closure

Oct 16, 2021 | 12 min read | 1949 Views

Closure is the most John Cena concept of JavaScript which is been there in front of your eyes, but of course, you can't see it. So let us put some light on Closures (like literally) in this article and understand what it has to offer.

JavaScript Elders - Call, Apply, Bind

Sep 20, 2021 | 7 min read | 1816 Views

Before the beginning of time, there were these JavaScript elder functions call, apply and bind. These functions, it seems, can only be wielded by coding beings of extraordinary wisdom. These wielders can build the coding architectures, patterns, principles, monuments using these elders. Pretty dramatic, isn't it? It sounds exactly the same when someone tries to explain the call, apply and bind functions. In this article, we will try to understand and simplify a not but little confusing topic the call, apply and bind functions.

This is awkward in JavaScript

Jul 20, 2021 | 9 min read | 1686 Views

Whale! This is awkward in JavaScript, also many things in life are. But nothing to worry about, we will try to overcome “this” awkwardness in this article.