All About APIs

CodeOmelet Series (Multiverse) Posts
All About APIs

This series will talk about the implementation of the APIs; either client-side or server-side using different technologies like NodeJS, JavaScript, Angular, etc.

JavaScript XHR using JSONPlaceholder API

Aug 06, 2020 | 8 min read | 6076 Views | Comments

Sometimes it is very important to know how things are happening on the ground level. This article will talk about how to use XHR - XMLHttpRequest in vanilla JavaScript with the help of most loved REST API; JSONPlaceholder.

Calling API from NodeJS API using Axios

Sep 18, 2020 | 4 min read | 8493 Views | Comments

I found Axios a great library to make calls to a third party API, it's easy to understand, demands lesser coding, Promise me to return the data, works perfectly with a async/await style, get along with TypeScript.

Calling Stored Procedure with NodeJS and MSSQL

Dec 31, 2020 | 6 min read | 37781 Views | Comments

Stored procedures, bringing bread and butter for many full stackers. They are the heavy lifters, holds up many business logics, handles input/outputs, returns multiple record sets and tons of more features. Why in this world, one will avoid the communication to happen between the super heroic NodeJS and MSSQL stored procs. In this article we will highlight most of the common scenarios we deal with while calling stored procs with NodeJS and MSSQL.

Crafting paginated API with NodeJS and MSSQL

Jan 27, 2021 | 6 min read | 6281 Views | Comments

Paging, sorting and filtering seems too much to handle for a single soul; but the soul of a programmer craves for such trouble. When you have tons of data to show in a grid/table provided with filtering and sorting options then there is no option left to leave these duties to your backend. In this article we will see NodeJS with MSSQL acting as backend and fabricate a paginated, sort and filter enabled API.

Pokedex using Angular and Bootstrap with PokeAPI

Feb 28, 2021 | 9 min read | 10115 Views | Comments

Squirtle, without a doubt, is my favorite Pokemon and I am open for a debate. You can check the Pokedex on your own or create a Pokedex on your own. Let us talk about the second option in this article, and with the help of PokeAPI, Angular and Bootstrap such crazy demands can be achieved.

NgMarvel app using Angular and Marvel API

Jul 12, 2021 | 12 min read | 2680 Views | Comments

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade; and when Marvel provides you an API, make an Angular app. In this article, we will do the Hulk Smash! and create an awesome Marvel comic explorer app using Angular and Marvel Comics API.