Angular Performance Improvement

Angular Performance Improvement

Gaining performance is not an easy job; a lot of hair loss cases has been reported in order to achieve tiniest bit of improvement in term of app speed. In this series our focus will be to save those losing hairs by doing what best we can do to speeden up the app. This includes post related to Brotli, Gzip, Caching, API data caching, etc.

Gzip Dockerized Angular App with Nginx - NgDocker

Apr 07, 2023 | 6 min read | 3425 Views

Leveling up by taking performance improvement measures for our super friendly NgDocker app. In this article, we will explore how we can enable Gzip to improve performance at a hulking scale.

Nginx Cache Config for Dockerized Angular App - NgDocker

May 16, 2023 | 5 min read | 5480 Views

App running so fast, even the cops are chasing! Not breaking any law here just configuring Nginx caching for our Dockerized Angular app. In this article we will address the need for speed for our super silly NgDocker app by setting up the Nginx cache configurations for static files.

Cache Angular HTTP request using @ngneat/cashew

May 23, 2023 | 4 min read | 2089 Views

The time of not wasting time on caching HTTP request data has come. Presenting @ngneat/cashew package to do the needfully; it takes our stress of manually creating service variables to hold up the HTTP requests data again and again. In this article we will explore @ngneat/cashew dope package for caching HTTP requests.

Brotli Dockerized Angular App with Nginx - NgDocker

Jul 16, 2023 | 5 min read | 2757 Views

Patience is the key to success; not heard or followed by any of the web app visitors. We want everything to be loaded within blink of an eye. This is the place where Brotli shines. In this article, we will explore how we can enable Brotli in the NgDocker app to improve performance at a marvelous scale.